Guido Van der Hoeven
Guido van der Hoeven is an Extension Specialist/Senior Lecturer Emeritus, in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Guido’s extension responsibilities included: income taxation of individuals and business entities, income tax issues of land and timber, farm business management and the profitable continuation of "family firms" to succeeding generations.
Since March 2020, van der Hoeven is an Agricultural Tax Specialist with the Center for Agricultural Law and Taxation at Iowa State University. Guido van der Hoeven serves as President of the Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. which publishes a ~700-page text for income tax training of professional tax practitioners. Additionally, Guido edits and writes chapters for the Agricultural Tax Issues workbook also published by the Foundation. He is a frequent presenter of tax education webinars and tax schools across the United States.
Guido van der Hoeven is married; he and his wife, Emily, have four adult children, and two grandchildren.