Amanda Jo Ervin, CPA, CIA, CFE, CTQA
President & Founder
Audit. Consulting. Education. LLC.
Meet Jo!... The President and Founder of Audit. Consulting. Education. LLC. After a successful career in external/internal audit and accounting, Jo is now an active internal audit strategist, management and culture consultant, higher education professor, author, and speaker, providing Continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours, live and virtually, to organizations across the globe.
Jo pushes the envelope of traditional auditing practices. She believes auditors should no longer be reactive and should focus on proactive, real value-add activities and ensure the utmost ethical behavior is occurring at organizations. Her trademarked approach to Internal Audit, Total Quality Auditing, was published in both book and workbook format early in 2019.
Personally, Jo is known for her proactive nature as well. After finding out she was positive for the breast and ovarian cancer gene mutation (BRCA1) in 2015, Jo underwent multiple preventative surgeries, including a double mastectomy in 2016. She believes knowledge is power and encourages others to take action in their lives. Jo's second book/workbook, Our Choices on the Road of Life, begins with a look at her story and exploring how we can each make a choice to embrace adversity. She delivers several keynote presentations on our life choices, which have been called an "epic experience."
Jo's third book, Becoming The Everyday Ethicist: Doing Things the Right Way the First Time, was published at the end of 2020. The book is based on her personal and professional life experiences as well as her ethics research and studies. Jo is passionate about ethics and all her presentations provide individuals with the keys to living an ethical life, show leaders how to display integrity and earn trust, and demonstrate the importance of ethics (and ethics monitoring by Internal Auditors) in all organizations.
Jo's motto says the most about her personal and professional outlook: "Good things come to those who wait... but don't. You deserve better than good." Every one of her books and presentations focuses on that proactive stance, and how we can immediately connect our actions to our values. She can't wait to share her motto and MORE with you and your group!